Morgan Hinges, Incorporated (originally organized in Arkansas as Morgan, Incorporated) was founded by Jim Morgan. A retired Air Force Chief Master Sergeant and former line chief, Jim worked for a few years as a buyer for a major executive aircraft manufacturer. He tells the story of cabinet makers asking him to find a better drop-leaf table hinge–a hidden hinge which had greater strength and durability. Jim could not find that hinge in the market while he was a buyer in the 1980s.
After he retired (for the second time), he began dabbling with a new hinge design. After working on a design and reworking it, he was inspired with an idea to complete the project. This led to the timed pivot concept which is the patented principle behind our 180 degree hinges. He began selling the HCTH-4S-180 hinge in 1990. Since then, Morgan Hinges has expanded its line of hinges with products for tables, cabinet doors, cabin doors and mounting hardware.
Jim loved the challenge of drawing hinges to meet a customer’s needs. He has taken his talent to the celestial level. Jim passed away on December 24, 2010 at the age of 87.
In 1996, Jim’s son Bill joined the company and began to help with the manufacturing process and using computers to aid in marketing and managing the business.
In 2006, we moved to Frisco, Texas and moved a goodly portion of the business with us. While the machining of our products is still done in Arkansas, the assembly and selling of our products is done from Frisco.